Wecome to the City of Port Huron's recreation registration website! Here you may sign up for all of our classes and events that require registration.
If you have an online account:
1. Click the white ‘sign-in’ button on the top right. You do not need to create a new account.
If you are new and have not participated in a program with us before or registered for a program online:
1. Click the white "sign-in" button on the top right.
2. Then, click on the purple "create account" button and follow the
3. Once you have provided the required info, click the green "create profile" button. Remember to keep your password in a safe place.
If you forgot your password:
1. Click the white "sign-in" button on the top right.
2. Then, click on the blue "reset password" button.
3. Type in your email address and select the "reset password" button.
4. Open email from phrec@porthuron.org, Port Huron Parks & Recreation, and click on "reset password."
5. Type in a new password to reset password.
If you are unable to reset your password online, we can reset your password for you. Please call the Recreation Department at 810.984.9760 during normal business hours.
If you have questions regarding your online account, please contact us at 810.984.9760.
Financial assistance is available with a SCORE scholarship. For more info about these scholarships, please visit www.porthuronrec.com/registration or call the Recreation Department at 810.984.9760.